Ruhani Sharma who debuted in Tollywood with ‘Chi La Sow’ has a good following on her Instagram. The actress loves to delight her fans with her regular pictures and videos on social media handles. Lately, Ruhani dropped her gorgeous pictures in black which raised the summer heat.
Ruhani Sharma Stunning Instagram Pictures in Black:
In the pictures shared on Instagram, Ruhani is seen in a black leather dress which has a thigh-high slit to the left. The actress captioned the post with a Crescent Moon emoji. Her wet hair gives a sultry look in these clicks. Fans dropped heart and fire emojis in the comment box.
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Ruhani Sharma Upcoming Films:
Ruhani rose to fame with HIT: The First Case alongside Vishwak Sen in the direction of Sailesh Kolanu. She also appeared in Dirty Hari and Nootokka Jillala Andagadu earlier. Further, she will be featured in HER Chapter 1.
Is Ruhani Sharma working in Bollywood?
Ruhani is set to make her debut in Bollywood with Agra. It has Rahul Roy in the lead role and is directed by Kanu Behl. The film will premiere at Cannes which is held from May 16 to May 27. Agra is the second Indian film to be screened at the prestigious festival in 2023 after Anurag Kashyap's Kennedy.